2021. Boundary controllability of a system modelling a partially immersed obstacle, with G. Leugering and Y. Wang, Published in ESAIM: COCV 27 (2021) 80.
2021. Well-posedness of an oscillating water column in shallow water with timedependent air pressure, with E. Bocchi and J. He, Submitted to the Journal of Differential Equations, preprint hal-03207105.
2020. Asymptotic behaviour of a system modelling rigid structures floating in a viscous fluid, with D. Matignon and M. Tucsnak, Published in IFAC-PapersOnLine 54 (9), 205-212, preprint hal-02475583.
2020. On a dual to the properties of Hurwitz polynomials I, Published in American. Journal of Computational Mathematics 11 (01), 31, preprint hal-02519924.
2020. Relations between fractional calculus and interactions, preprint hal-02506981.
2020. On the dynamics of the Coronavirus epidemic and the unreported cases: the Chilean case, with A. Navas, preprint arxiv.org/pdf/2006.02632.
2020. Extension and implementation of a system modelling the COVID-19 pandemic in Chile, with A. Navas, preprint doi.org/10.1101/2020.06.21.20136606.
2020. Observaciones sobre la dinámica de la epidemia de Coronavirus y los casos no reportados: el caso de Chile, with A. Navas, Published on the webpage of VIME of the University of Santiago of Chile, Preprint available on the website: www.mat.usach.cl/images/Profesores/navas-papers/covito.pdf.
2020. Estimación de casos no reportados de infectados de COVID-19 en Chile, el Maule y la Araucana durante marzo de 2020, with M. Candia, Not intended for publication in a journal, preprint hal-02560526w.
2019. Well-posedness and input-output stability for a system modelling rigid structures floating in a viscous fluid, with D. Matignon and M. Tucsnak, Published in IFACPapersOnLine 53 (2), 7491-7496, preprint hal-02475576.
2019. Modelling and simulation of a wave energy converter, with E. Bocchi and J. He, Published in ESAIM: Proceedings and Surveys 70, 68-83, preprint hal-02475536.
2018. Aproximacion numerica de derivadas fraccionarias por polinomios ortogonales, with S. Berres, Published on the proceedings of the Mathematical Meeting of Sud Zone, Chile.