2021. Norambuena C, Jélvez M, Mena M. Effect of seasonality on water levels, time budget, trophic behavior and nutritional status of Black-necked swans (Cygnus melancoryphus) populations belonging to Budi Lake, Chile.
2020. Norambuena C, Hernández F, Alfaro J, Silva G, Topp S, Ratto M. Effect of different levels of energy diet restriction on energy balance, leptin and CL development, vascularization, and function in South American camelids. 7, 1-9. Frontiers in Veterinary Science. https://doi.org/10.3389/fvets.2020.598147.
2020. Norambuena C, Roldán M, Tuemmers C, Quezada G, Betancourt M. 2020 Seropositivity to Leptospira interrogans in a herd of vicuñas (Vicugna vicugna) under captivity in northern Chile. Austral Journal of Veterinary Science. 52, 43-44. Publicado ISSN: 0719-8000
2019. Norambuena MC, Mussa C, Hernández F, Alfaro J, Velasco M. Energy balance of pregnant vicuñas (Vicugna vicugna) in the Chilean High Andes. Austral Journal of Veterinary Science. ISSN 0719-8000.
2018. Norambuena MC, Rubilar C, Hernández F, Cárcamo G,Olavarria, M, Velasco M. Relationship between the nutritional state before the breeding period and the reproductive success in alpacas (Vicugna pacos) from the Chilean Puna. Austral Journal of Veterinary Science. 50: 55-57. ISNN 0719-8000.
2017. Norambuena, MC., Hernández, F., Alfaro, J., Maureira J., Rubilar C., Silva, G., Ulloa-Leal, C., Silva, M. Effect of leptin administration on vascularization, development and function of the Corpus luteum of alpacas submitted to pre-ovulatory fasting. Animal Reproduction Science.
2014. Fernández A, Ulloa-Leal C, Silva M, Norambuena MC, Adams GP, Guerra M, & MH Ratto. The effect of repeated administrations of llama ovulation-1 inducing factor (OIF/NGF) during the peri-ovulatory period on corpus luteum development and function in llamas, Holanda, Animal Reproduction Science 149: 345-352, ISSN: 0378-4320.
2013. Silva M, Ulloa-Leal C, Norambuena MC, Fernández A, Adams GP, Ratto MH. Ovulation-inducing factor (OIF/NGF) from seminal plasma origin enhances Corpus Luteum function in llamas regardless the preovulatory follicle diameter, Holanda, Animal Reproduction Sience, 148:221-227, ISSN: 0378-4320.
2013. Norambuena MC, Gómez Y, Ulloa-Leal C, Fernández A, Ratto M. Relationship between systemic leptin concentration, reproductive state and energy balance in llamas from southern Chile, Holanda, Small Ruminant Research 113: 402-404, ISSN: 0921-4488.
2013. Norambuena MC, Silva M, Urra F, Ullloa-Leal C, Fernández A, Huanca W, Ratto M. Effects of nutritional restriction on metabolic and ovarian function in llamas (Lama glama), Holanda, Animal Reproduction Science, 138: 252-260, ISSN: 0378-4320.
2011. Ratto M, Cervantes M, Norambuena C, Silva M, Miragaya M, Huilfredo H. Effect of location and stage of development of dominant follicles on ovulation and embryo survival rate in alpacas, Holanda, Animal Reproduction Sciences, 127:100-105, ISSN: 0378-4320.